Teaching Science

Grade 9 Science, Academic

This course enables students to develop their understanding of basic concepts in biology, chemistry, earth and space science, and physics, and to relate science to technology, society, and the environment. Throughout the course, students will develop their skills in the processes of scientific investigation. Students will acquire an understanding of scientific theories and conduct investigations related to sustainable ecosystems; atomic and molecular structures and the properties of elements and compounds; the study of the universe and its properties and components; and the principles of electricity.

I haven’t taught this iteration of the grade 9 science course, so I don’t have much here. There’s a word puzzle booklet right now, and I’ll be modifying some of my old grade 10 ecology materials to match the new curriculum and adding some electrostatics material to help prepare students for grade 11 physics. I’ll also get some space stuff up, as I like space, but no promises on when any of this will happen.

General Resources

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Biology Resources

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Physics Resources

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Space Resources

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Chemistry Resources

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